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[240419] #Mobileye #Outsight #Robotis

By 2024년 04월 19일September 9th, 2024No Comments

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No. 108


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Robotis on track to collaborate with LG Electronics

1. POSCO DX to develop self-driving unmanned facilities

  • POSCO DX, the IT services subsidiary of POSCO Holdings Inc., has signed an MOU with Aiyoubot, a domestic LiDAR specialist.
  • The collaboration aims to develop autonomous driving and collision prevention systems utilizing LiDAR sensors for industrial equipment such as AGVs, AMRs, cranes, and raw material transport vehicles.
  • The systems are intended to enable unmanned operation on industrial sites while ensuring safety by preventing collisions and other accidents in advance.
  • LiDAR sensors, which perceive shapes and spaces by measuring the time difference between emitted laser beams and their reflection, will assist in autonomously recognizing nearby obstacles and individuals, enabling equipment to decelerate or stop accordingly.
  • POSCO DX will oversee the development of autonomous driving applications and collision prevention systems, while Aiyoubot will supply its LiDAR sensors known for their simplified design, compactness, and resilience to external environmental factors.
  • The collaboration plans to initially deploy these systems at steel mills and battery production plants, with intentions to expand to other industrial sites such as external production sites, plants, and construction sites in the future.

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This partnership signals a move towards integrating advanced technology, specifically LiDAR, into industrial operations for safety and efficiency. The intention to supply these systems to various industrial sites beyond steel mills and battery plants suggests the potential for broader adoption across different sectors.

2. Mobileye set to ship at least 46 million new assisted driving chips

  • Israeli automotive tech company Mobileye announces orders for 46 million EyeQ6 Lite assisted-driving chips over the next few years.
  • The EyeQ6 Lite chips will be deployed in cars globally, with launches scheduled for mid-year.
  • Nimrod Nehushtan, Mobileye’s executive VP of business strategy and development, states that the orders represent the current business won and will be rolled out gradually.
  • Customer names for the EyeQ6 orders are not disclosed due to non-disclosure agreements, but Volkswagen and Porsche are among Mobileye’s known customers.
  • Mobileye’s shares rose over 6% following the announcement.
    The EyeQ6 Lite is designed for vehicles with basic assisted driving features like automated cruise control and lane-changing, not for fully self-driving vehicles.
  • Automakers are increasingly adding basic driver-assistance features to differentiate themselves amid rising competition.
  • The EyeQ6 Lite chip offers increased computing horsepower and is manufactured with Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co’s 7-nanometer process.
  • It can read text phrases on road signage and includes an 8-megapixel camera with a 120-degree lateral field of vision.
  • Mobileye plans to launch a more advanced assisted-driving chip, the EyeQ6 High, in volume production early next year.

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Mobileye’s securing of a large order for its EyeQ6 Lite chips indicates strong demand for assisted-driving technology in the automotive industry. The development of more advanced chips like the EyeQ6 High suggests a continued focus on innovation and product advancement within Mobileye.

3. Hyundai, Kia work on revolutionary autonomous indoor delivery services

  • Kia, along with Hyundai, unveils the latest version of the DAL-e Delivery robot, designed for autonomous delivery in complex environments like offices and shopping malls.
  • The new DAL-e Delivery features four Plug & Drive modules combining an electric motor with environmental recognition sensors, steering, suspension, and braking systems, enabling speeds up to 1.2 m/s and autonomous navigation in crowded areas.
  • Improvements include a square column design with rounded corners for driving stability and lighting in the cargo area for easy item handling.
  • The robot autonomously navigates between floors of buildings, considers elevators and door control systems, and optimizes delivery routes in real-time.
  • Advanced AI face identification technology, developed by Kia’s Robotics Lab, allows automatic recognition of recipients, enabling seamless delivery without the need for passwords.
  • The DAL-e Delivery is set for practical deployment by IGIS Asset Management in their new smart office building ‘Factorial Seongsu’ in the second quarter of this year.
  • Additionally, Apple is reportedly developing home robots, including a table-like device with a rotating display and a mobile robot for household use, entering a competitive market already populated by several companies.

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Features like autonomous navigation between floors and AI-powered recipient recognition demonstrate the integration of cutting-edge technologies to enhance efficiency and user experience in delivery services.

4. Airport Technology Excellence Awards 2024: Outsight

  • Outsight, a software company in San Francisco and Paris, wins the Innovation category in the 2024 Airport Technology Excellence Awards for its SHIFT platform.
  • SHIFT utilizes LiDAR technology for spatial intelligence, processing real-time 3D data to provide actionable insights through a user-friendly dashboard or API.
  • The platform offers real-time alerts and aggregated data for swift response to unexpected events and understanding long-term trends.
  • Its scalable architecture ensures high coverage with low operational costs, monitoring thousands of individuals anonymously and continuously.
  • The software’s capabilities include real-time alerts, vehicle speed determination, and custom metrics definition for specific zones of interest.
  • SHIFT comprises three components: Perception for object detection and tracking, Analytics for converting data into business KPIs, and API for data access.
  • Key performance indicators such as people counting and waiting times enable informed decision-making and optimization of resource allocation.
  • Third-party audits confirm up to 99% accuracy in critical metrics, ensuring reliability and scalability of the software.
  • Outsight’s LiDAR-based solution enhances efficiency, security, and passenger experience for airport operations.
  • It enables airports to manage increased traffic with the same or fewer resources, reduce wait times, improve retail opportunities, and enhance security measures.
  • The technology aids in risk management, infrastructure planning, and investment decisions, contributing to operational excellence in the aviation industry.
  • Outsight operates globally with offices in various countries, driving the development and adoption of Spatial Intelligence technology for a smarter, safer, and more sustainable world.

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Outsight’s SHIFT platform represents a significant advancement in airport technology, offering comprehensive solutions for passenger tracking, queue monitoring, and curbside activity management. The integration of LiDAR technology enables precise and real-time data collection, facilitating informed decision-making and operational optimization for airport operators.

5. Robotis on track to collaborate with LG Electronics

  • Robotis, specializing in self-driving robots, confirms cooperation with LG Electronics, its second-largest shareholder.
  • A meeting was held on the 11th at Robotis’ Magok office building with LG Electronics managing director Noh Kyu-chan and other officials to discuss specifications and delivery schedules of outdoor self-driving robots called ‘GAEMI’.
  • The master contract for mass production has been completed, focusing on detailed discussions regarding delivery of the ‘GAEMI’ robots.
  • Plans are underway to conclude discussions on remaining procedures like mass production, delivery specifications, and certification to start deliveries in the second half of the year.
  • Robotis emphasizes its accumulated data, operational know-how, and technology in autonomous driving robots, expecting to strengthen its position in the industry through collaboration with LG Electronics.
  • The enforcement of the Intelligent Robot Act has highlighted the importance of the outdoor autonomous driving robot market, with continued inquiries about Robotis’ ‘GAEMI’ robots.
  • CEO Kim Byung-soo anticipates accelerated dominance in the outdoor autonomous driving robot market through collaboration with LG Electronics, aiming for a full-fledged business expansion.

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The completion of the master contract for mass production indicates a significant step towards actualizing the delivery of ‘GAEMI’ robots, reflecting the companies’ commitment to meeting market demands promptly.

*Contents above are the opinion of ChatGPT, not an individual nor company


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