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[231226] #Opsys #Mercedes-Benz #IM Motors

By 2023년 12월 26일September 9th, 2024No Comments

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1. Opsys LiDAR at the CES 2024

    • Opsys, a manufacturer of advanced Pure Solid State LiDAR technology, collaborates with Vueron, a leading provider of AI-based perception software.
    • The collaboration aims to accelerate the adoption of autonomous driving technology.
    • Vueron’s LiDAR perception software requires accurate distance information, high resolution, and a wide field of view.
    • Opsys LiDAR meets these criteria, ensuring high performance and allowing Vueron’s perception software to achieve superior results.
    • The collaboration provides a joint solution that integrates Opsys LiDAR with Vueron’s perception software.
    • This optimized solution meets the requirements of car manufacturers and suppliers for accurate perception in autonomous driving systems.
    • The joint solution will be demonstrated in the Opsys demo car at CES 2024 in Las Vegas. The vehicle is available for test drives at WP-21, Tech East, West Plaza, LVCC.

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By combining Opsys’s breakthrough LiDAR technology with Vueron’s AI-based perception software, the joint solution aims to meet the high standards required by car manufacturers and suppliers. The demonstration at CES 2024 provides an opportunity to showcase the synergy between Opsys and Vueron and their contribution to advancing autonomous driving capabilities.

2. Infiniq and Hanwha Systems Collaborate on Autonomous Vehicles

    • Infiniq and Hanwha Systems have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to collaborate on autonomous driving and automotive infotainment.
    • The collaboration will focus on activities such as logging autonomous driving thermal sensor datasets and operating data collection vehicles.
    • Infiniq plans to equip its data collection vehicles with Hanwha Systems’ Quantum Red automotive thermal module sensors for logging datasets in various weather and driving conditions.
    • The data acquired, including information from thermal sensors, will be processed using Infiniq’s core ‘sensor fusion’ technology.
    • High-quality datasets resulting from this collaboration will be released as open source and hosted on Infiniq’s website.
    • Hanwha Systems’ automotive thermal sensors are capable of detecting far-infrared energy, enabling recognition of objects in adverse weather conditions.
    • The market for automotive thermal sensors is expected to expand due to upcoming safety regulations mandating functions like P-AEB (Pedestrian-Assisted Emergency Braking).
    • The collaboration aims to contribute to the development of autonomous driving research capabilities.
    • Infiniq, established in 2005, has actively invested in technology development, including AI and autonomous driving.
    • Hanwha Systems, with 40 years of experience in thermal imaging cameras for defense projects, has developed prototypes for automotive thermal imaging cameras.

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The collaboration between Infiniq and Hanwha Systems signifies a strategic alliance aimed at advancing autonomous driving technologies, with a focus on utilizing advanced thermal sensors and ‘sensor fusion’ technology for comprehensive data processing.

3. Mercedes-Benz First to Get Approval for Turquoise Marker Lights on Autonomous Vehicles

    • Mercedes-Benz has received approval in the United States to use distinctive turquoise-colored lights on its self-driving vehicles, making it the first automaker to do so.
    • The turquoise lights are part of the Drive Pilot system, a Level 3 advanced driving assistance system (ADAS), allowing autonomous driving in restricted scenarios and geo-fenced areas.
    • Drive Pilot enables hands-free and eyes-off driving in specific situations, such as heavy traffic on designated highways at speeds of 40 MPH or less.
    • The turquoise lights serve as a visual indicator to signal when the vehicle is operating in autonomous mode, enhancing clarity and safety in mixed traffic environments.
    • The choice of turquoise was determined through extensive research and testing, aiming to establish it as a universal visual indicator for autonomous driving globally.
    • While California and Nevada have granted permission for testing, there is no standardized framework for the use of turquoise lights in production vehicles in major markets like the United States, China, or the European Union.
    • The introduction of turquoise lights is seen as a move toward standardizing visual markers for autonomous driving, promoting public acceptance, and enhancing road safety.

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The selection of turquoise as a visual indicator demonstrates Mercedes-Benz’s commitment to setting industry standards and promoting global understanding and acceptance of autonomous driving technology. The approval in California and Nevada for testing indicates a potential shift toward standardizing visual markers for autonomous vehicles, contributing to public acceptance and road safety.

4. May Mobility places autonomous vehicle bet on retirees

    • May Mobility, based in Ann Arbor, Michigan, is deploying fully driverless vehicles in the Phoenix metro area, specifically in the retirement community of Sun City.
    • This marks the first time passengers can ride in the vehicles without a human safety driver present.
    • Two autonomous minivans will be available to a select group of early riders, covering approximately 4.5 miles of Sun City, including resident buildings, medical centers, and other key locations.
    • The service will be free to early riders and involves remote human teleoperators monitoring the vehicles to ensure safety.
    • May Mobility has been testing the service with human safety drivers in Sun City since April 2023 and is now removing the human backup safety driver.
    • May Mobility claims to have given “350,000 autonomy-enabled rides to date,” but it’s unclear how many were fully driverless.
    • The company raised $105 million in a Series D funding round in November 2023, bringing its total funding to about $300 million.
    • May Mobility aims to explore whether partnerships with retirement communities, college campuses, and public transportation systems can sustain its autonomous vehicle operations, focusing on being paid by cities or transit agencies rather than individual fares.
    • If the results in Sun City are positive, May Mobility plans to roll out similar services in “many communities globally.”

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The reliance on remote human teleoperators for safety oversight suggests a transitional phase in achieving full autonomy, addressing challenges faced by other companies in the field. May Mobility’s focus on partnerships with retirement communities and public transportation systems, where it gets paid by cities or transit agencies, contrasts with the model of being paid through individual fares adopted by other autonomous vehicle developers like Cruise and Waymo.

5. IM Motors gets permit to test L3 self-driving vehicles in Shanghai

    • IM Motors, a premium electric vehicle (EV) brand formed by Chinese carmaker SAIC Motor Corp and Alibaba, has received permission to conduct Level 3 (L3) self-driving road tests in Shanghai.
    • IM Motors’ vehicles equipped with L3 self-driving features are officially licensed for tests on highways and expressways in Shanghai.
    • The company aims to accelerate the development of high-level intelligent driving products and meet user demand for advanced smart-driving cars through these tests in designated areas.
    • IM Motors is applying to China’s Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) for L3 product entry, with expectations to be among the first to enter the L3 autonomous driving pilot.
    • China recently issued a notice allowing cars with mass-production conditions supporting L3 and L4 autonomous driving to conduct road tests in limited areas, clarifying accident responsibility determination.
    • IM Motors began public testing of its highway pilot-assisted driving feature in April, and as of December 12, the feature is available nationwide in China, covering highways in 333 cities.
    • The highway pilot-assisted driving function applies to 389,000 road kilometers, according to IM Motors.
    • Public testing of IM Motors’ city pilot-assisted driving feature in Shanghai is planned to start by the end of the year, with an official launch before the Chinese New Year.
    • IM Motors plans to introduce an urban commuter mode for smart driving in mid-2024, covering 100 cities during the year.

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IM Motors’ permission for Level 3 self-driving tests in Shanghai reflects the ongoing advancement of autonomous driving technology in China, with other notable automakers also receiving similar approvals. The regulatory framework in China, allowing road tests for mass-produced L3 and L4 autonomous driving vehicles in limited areas, reflects the government’s support for the development and testing of advanced autonomous technologies.

*Contents above are the opinion of ChatGPT, not an individual nor company


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