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[240809] #Tesla #Li Auto #ZF

By 2024년 08월 09일September 9th, 2024No Comments

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Autonomous Driving
Musk signals delays to robotaxi unveiling for key design change
Self-Driving Three-Wheelers Deliver Fast Food in Houston
ZF Unveils ADAS for Commercial Vehicles with Automatic Lane Change System
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Li Auto
Li Auto advances in self-driving tech, aiming to close the gap with Tesla’s FSD
Autotech startup Nullmax launches new tech to tackle self-driving challenges in more human-like ways

1. Musk signals delays to robotaxi unveiling for key design change

  • Tesla CEO Elon Musk announced a delay in the unveiling of the company’s robotaxi to incorporate a front design change and other features.
  • The event, initially planned for August 8, has been pushed to October.
  • The delay was confirmed by an unnamed source, with no additional details provided.
  • Analysts and investors were not surprised by the delay due to the challenges in developing autonomous vehicles.
  • Musk had previously mentioned the robotaxi platform would replace an inexpensive car project and hinted at both Tesla-owned and individual-owned robotaxis.
  • Tesla shares rose by following Musk’s endorsement of Donald Trump for the U.S. presidential race, fanning hopes that a potential Trump administration could make it easier for Tesla to secure regulatory approvals for robotaxis and autonomous driving systems.
  • Musk had projected mass production of robotaxis without steering wheels or pedals by 2024 but has missed previous self-driving vehicle targets.

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Tesla’s robotaxi unveiling has been delayed to October to incorporate a front design change and showcase additional features, according to CEO Elon Musk.

2. Self-Driving Three-Wheelers Deliver Fast Food in Houston

  • Faction is testing self-driving three-wheelers for food deliveries in Houston, Texas.
  • The EVs, based on Arcimoto motorcycles, use Faction’s DriveLink system and TeleAssist remote monitoring.
  • The vehicles are currently fulfilling orders for major outlets, including a Chick-fil-A store.
  • DriveLink incorporates sensors, thermal cameras, radar, and drive-by-wire tech for automation.
  • TeleAssist provides real-time supervision and decision-making from a control hub.
  • The EVs, capable of reaching 75 mph, are in early testing and provide real-world curbside deliveries.
  • Feedback and data collected aim to optimize navigation algorithms and enhance AV efficiency.
  • A Chick-fil-A on Kirby Drive and Southwest Freeway is part of the pilot, offering curbside delivery via the app.
  • EVs will initially have human supervisors, with plans to operate without assistance by August.
  • Verizon is providing mobile connectivity for monitoring and tracking.
  • Faction CEO Ain McKendrick highlights the potential to revolutionize urban transportation and delivery.

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Testing self-driving three-wheeled EVs for food deliveries in Houston, Faction employs its DriveLink system and TeleAssist remote monitoring.

3. ZF Unveils ADAS for Commercial Vehicles with Automatic Lane Change System

  • ZF unveiled new safety technologies for commercial vehicles on July 8, 2024, aimed at surpassing current regulations with advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS).
  • The technologies include a highway assist system for automatic lane changes and a system using sensors and cloud data to estimate road friction and improve control.
  • The Truck Trailer Link provides 360-degree high-resolution monitoring of the truck and trailer combination.
  • ZF’s ADAS technology reduces accident risk with systems ranging from individual components to complete solutions, meeting the latest General Safety Regulation (GSR) standards.
  • The ADAS technology includes software and algorithms to assess surrounding dangers, detect driver drowsiness and distraction, and determine necessary actions.

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ZF’s new ADAS technologies for commercial vehicles, revealed on July 8, 2024, include automatic lane changing, road friction estimation, and 360-degree truck trailer monitoring.

4. Li Auto advances in self-driving tech, aiming to close the gap with Tesla’s FSD

  • Li Auto unveiled its end-to-end (E2E) self-driving technology architecture on July 5, consisting of an E2E model, a vision language model (VLM), and a world model.
  • Li Auto’s approach integrates sensor input to driving trajectory output through a single model, contrasting with segmented solutions from Huawei and Xpeng.
  • The new technology aims to handle complex urban driving and addresses testing and verification challenges, and has completed prototype verification and real vehicle deployment.
  • The E2E model, inspired by Tesla’s approach, eliminates intermediate rule intervention, potentially offering advantages in information transmission and model iteration.
  • The architecture includes fast thinking (System 1) for routine tasks and slow thinking (System 2) for complex scenarios, both trained and verified in the cloud using the world model.
  • The VLM, with 2.2 billion parameters, enhances the understanding of complex traffic environments and reduces inference time to 0.3 seconds after optimization.
  • Li Auto uses Nvidia’s Orin chip for E2E solutions and may need Nvidia’s next-generation chip, Thor, for larger models.
  • Testing and verification combine reconstruction and generative simulation to create a virtual environment for autonomous driving system capabilities.
  • The segmented E2E navigate-on-autopilot (NOA) solution will be available to users in July, while the full dual solution (E2E and VLM) is not yet ready for delivery.
  • The smart driving industry faces challenges in balancing large-scale user experience and technological advancements, requiring strong engineering and technical judgment capabilities.

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Ensuring superior user experience while advancing E2E technology is a key challenge for automakers in the smart driving industry.

5. Autotech startup Nullmax launches new tech to tackle self-driving challenges in more human-like ways

  • Nullmax unveiled its next-gen autonomous driving technology, Nullmax Intelligence, in Shanghai, designed for more human-like perception.
  • The system uses cameras primarily but also incorporates voice, text, and gestures for comprehensive input.
  • Nullmax Intelligence uses an end-to-end model for visual perception, scene description, and driving behavior output.
  • Founded in 2016 by former Tesla engineers, Nullmax aims for intelligent driving with a focus on visual perception.
  • Nullmax Intelligence performs obstacle detection and 3D reconstruction using vision and generates local maps in real time without high-precision maps.
  • The system operates with less than 100T of sparse computing power, reducing costs for full-scenario pilot-assisted driving.
  • Nullmax uses real and AI-generated virtual data for model development and iteration.
    Nullmax plans to launch full-scenario intelligent driving solutions by 2025 and expand into freight transportation and robotics.
  • Nullmax has collaborated with various car companies, achieving revenue of approximately RMB 34 million ($4.7 million) in H1 2024.

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Nullmax Intelligence aims to enhance autonomous driving by integrating visual, auditory, and textual inputs to create human-like driving behavior.

*Contents above are the opinion of ChatGPT, not an individual nor company


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